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Inadequate sample

15 Mar 15 - 20:22

Inadequate sample

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Fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is used to determine if a thyroid nodule is cancerous, but inadequate samples are reported in 1% to 20% of the thyroid

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Examples of INADEQUATE. These supplies are inadequate to meet our needs. We were given very inadequate information. I felt inadequate to the task. Inadequate Description of Sample. Examples from Reviewers' Comments. "You need to address the generalizability of findings in light of the higher vaccination The samples were classified as adequate and inadequate for diagnosis, the organ, the size and characteristics of the lesions were taken into consideration.

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Inadequate Sample Sizes in Studies of Athletic Performance at the 2012 ACSM Annual Meeting. David B Pyne1, Will G Hopkins2. Sportscience 16, 1-11, 2012 Illicit generalization; Fallacy of insufficient sample; Generalization from the When referring to a generalization made from a single example it has been called?Examples -?Alternative names -?See also -?ReferencesFactors affecting inadequate sampling of ultrasound-guided www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21521280Similarby SH Choi - ?2011 - ?Cited by 18 - ?Related articlesClin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2011 Jun;74(6):776-82. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2011.04011.x. Factors affecting inadequate sampling of ultrasound-guided fine-needle How to use inadequate in a sentence. Example sentences with the word inadequate. inadequate example sentences. Definition of adequate sample: Statistical sample size that is large enough to provide required precision of the survey or test results by minimizing the effect ofImplications of an Inadequate Sample Size. In data collection, sampling is an important statistical aspect. The sample should be a random or unbiased number

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